Doshisha Week 2024 at Tübingen University Strengthens Global Research Exchange with Doshisha University PhD Students
November 11, 2024
On September 26 and 27, 2024, Doshisha Week 2024, an academic exchange event between Doshisha University and Germany’s University of Tübingen, was held at the historic Alte Aula in Tübingen. Organized by Doshisha EU Campus in collaboration with Tübingen University, this event has become an annual fixture, fostering regular academic and cultural exchange between the two institutions.
This year’s Doshisha Week carried the theme, “The Challenge of Next-Generation Researchers,” and was uniquely integrated as part of the overseas activity of students funded by the Doshisha University SPRING Program, a government-supported initiative for challenging and interdisciplinary research at the doctoral level. The event facilitated a valuable research exchange between SPRING-supported doctoral students from Doshisha and their PhD peers from Tübingen University.
Three SPRING-supported students from Doshisha University traveled to Tübingen: Ritsuya Yano (Theology, D1), Saki Yamaguchi (Global Studies, D3), and Riko Adachi (Economics, D1). Another student, Haruka Makita (Psychology, D3), joined the event virtually. Each student delivered a 15-minute research presentation, followed by discussions with local students and researchers. The event’s themes were “Gender & Religion; Gender Studies” on the first day, and “Social Sciences (Economics, Fiscal Policy/Psychology)” on the second. Tübingen’s PhD candidates with expertise in these areas also presented their research, fostering mutual exchange and learning across disciplines.
Doshisha students received valuable feedback from Tübingen researchers and engaged in lively exchanges with fellow students, enhancing their research skills and sparking new insights. This first-ever doctoral-level research exchange was highly appreciated by Tübingen University, highlighting the potential for further collaboration between the two universities.
The SPRING Program aims to support doctoral students in developing a global perspective and building networks throughinternational research exchange, and Doshisha Week 2024 provided a meaningful opportunity for students to engage in these pursuits.