Research Center for Well-being

Well-being refers to the positive state of being physically, psychologically, spiritually, and socially. Well-being is beyond the mere emotional happiness. The concept of well-being includes not only individual happiness but also it encompasses positive states of individuals in communities (such as schools, companies, society, etc.) in a broader sense. There has been an increasing awareness on the importance of the concept of well-being, among societies and the international community.

The Well-being Research Center aims to conduct following activities:

  1. Examine various aspects of “well-being” and conduct interdisciplinary research on measures to attain well-being. For interdisciplinary study, our researchers are coming from the areas of brain science, psychology, sociology, business science, global sociology research, etc.
  2. Undertake a multifaceted research on the “well-being” culture reflecting Japanese (Kyoto’s) unique culture, including tea ceremony, Zen, etc. We also aim to advance our understanding on the “way of being” based on those cultural contexts, in the areas of management and enterprise strategies aligned.
  3. Based on the above, the center aims to foster Well-being related industries. The center’s ultimate goal is to contribute “Well-being” (happiness) of the people regardless of nationality by widely disseminating the research outcomes from Kyoto to Japanese and international societies.
